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Gure produktuak

Hondartzako eskuoihala

Deskribapen laburra:

Umeentzako kaputxadun pontxoa bainu bainurako hondartzako eskuoihalak bikainak dira igerilekuan, hondartzan, lorategiko hotelean edo etxeko festan erabiltzeko.Forma bereziarekin eta zaintzeko erraza da, erabili ondoren makina garbi garbitu eta behar izanez gero lehortu.

Produktuaren xehetasuna

Produktuen etiketak

Mikrozuntzezko kaputxa arina aurkeztu nahi dizuguumeentzako hondartzako eskuoihala, oso erabilia den sorta izan lezakeena eta oparien sustapen programarako eta etxeko edo kanpoko erabilerarako aukera ona da.


The towel is made of microfiber fabric, not only super soft, skin-friendly, very comfortable to use, but also water absorbency, quick dry makes for the perfect towel, rather convenient to be used at the beach, pool and more. By the sea or pool, you will stay comfortable all day long. Super low MOQ 50 pcs and customized Logo is perfect for the trial order. The patterns could be customized as per your design, an ideal gift item. Available size is 650mm*650mm for kids, individually packed in an OPP cello bag. Other size of the towel like adult beach towel, as well as the gift box package could be customized. Please do not hesitate to contact with us at sales@sjjgifts.com for this wonderful item, to enjoy your good day on the sunny beach.


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